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    White Sandalwood and Rose Quartz Mala and Bracelet-RGJ071-3 White Sandalwood and Rose Quartz Mala and Bracelet-RGJ071-4 White Sandalwood and Rose Quartz Mala and Bracelet-RGJ071-5
White Sandalwood and Rose Quartz Mala and Bracelet-RGJ071
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Dimension of Mala : White Sandalwood-100 (8 mm) Beads Rose Quartz-8 Beads (10 mm)
Dimension of Bracelet : White Sandalwood-17 Beads (8 mm) Rose Quartz-4 Beads (10 mm)
Length: approx Mala 34 inch Bracelet-7 inch

Quantity :

Rs 1000/- $ 12 USD Product shown in the picture will be Sent.
Product Description
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The Serenity of White Sandalwood and Rose Quartz Mala & Bracelet: A Harmony of Beauty and Spirituality

The white sandalwood and rose quartz mala and bracelet embody a harmonious blend of beauty and spirituality, offering a pathway to inner peace, love and healing. Whether used for meditation, mindfulness or simply as a reminder of serenity throughout the day, these sacred tools serve as potent allies on the journey towards holistic well-being. Embrace the serenity of white sandalwood and the loving energy of rose quartz and invite harmony and tranquility into your life.

White Sandalwood

White sandalwood, renowned for its delicate fragrance and spiritual symbolism, has been treasured for centuries in various cultures around the world. Revered for its calming and grounding properties, sandalwood is believed to promote mental clarity, relaxation and inner peace. Its subtle aroma is said to enhance meditation and spiritual practices, allowing the mind to quieten and focus.

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz, often referred to as the "stone of love," is celebrated for its gentle, nurturing energy. Symbolizing unconditional love, compassion and emotional healing, this rosy-hued crystal is believed to open the heart chakra, fostering harmony and forgiveness. Its presence is thought to promote self-love, deepen connections with others and attract positive vibrations into ones life.

The Harmony of White Sandalwood and Rose Quartz

Combining the serene energies of white sandalwood and rose quartz creates a harmonious synergy that enhances spiritual well-being and emotional balance. The earthy warmth of sandalwood complements the soft, loving energy of rose quartz, resulting in a potent blend that soothes the soul and uplifts the spirit.

Mala and Bracelet: Tools for Mindfulness and Meditation

Malas, traditionally used in Hinduism and Buddhism, are prayer beads typically strung with 108 beads, plus one guru bead. Each bead represents a mantra or intention, guiding the practitioner through meditation and mindfulness practices. White sandalwood and rose quartz malas offer a tactile reminder of serenity and love, aiding in the cultivation of inner peace and compassion. Similarly, bracelets crafted from white sandalwood and rose quartz serve as wearable talismans of tranquility and affection. Wearing these bracelets throughout the day can help maintain a sense of calmness and connection to the hearts desires.

Healing and Spiritual Benefits

Beyond their aesthetic appeal, white sandalwood and rose quartz malas and bracelets are believed to offer a range of healing and spiritual benefits:

Emotional Healing: Rose quartz is thought to soothe emotional wounds and promote self-love, while sandalwood aids in releasing negativity and fostering inner peace.
Stress Relief: The calming aroma of sandalwood, combined with the loving energy of rose quartz, can help alleviate stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of relaxation and well-being.
Spiritual Growth: By deepening meditation practices and opening the heart to love and compassion, white sandalwood and rose quartz malas and bracelets support spiritual growth and inner transformation.

Importance of White Sandalwood & Rose Quartz Jewelry

In a world filled with hustle and bustle, finding moments of tranquility and peace becomes increasingly valuable. This quest for inner calm has led many to explore the soothing properties of meditation, mindfulness and holistic healing practices. Among these practices, the use of malas and bracelets crafted from white sandalwood and rose quartz has gained popularity for their beauty and spiritual significance.

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